Tabletop Workshop
We’ll have setups for luminosity masking, frozen flowers, water drops, oil on water, backlit fruit and flowers, etc. The club will provide pizza for lunch. Please register so we know how many members to feed.
We’ll have setups for luminosity masking, frozen flowers, water drops, oil on water, backlit fruit and flowers, etc. The club will provide pizza for lunch. Please register so we know how many members to feed.
Chandor Gardens captures both the ornate design of ancient Chinese architecture and the elegance of a formal English garden. The 3.5-acre estate leads its visitors on a meandering path of beauty and wonderment. A recent visitor emphasizes how much care the Gardens staff has taken to keep the vegetation lush and thriving throughout the extreme weather conditions recently experienced.
Comfortable walking shoes
Your favorite walk-around lens and possibly others!
Bottled water
Important: .
Tripods are not allowed due to the narrow pathways.
The 30’ waterfall mentioned on their website is still being reworked.
Photography inside the on-site house is not permitted.
We will be leaving by 11:30 a.m. at the very latest since they have a wedding scheduled in the evening (the wedding party is scheduled to begin arriving at 11:00 a.m.)
Additional gardens in Weatherford that members may choose to visit on their own after our lunch:
Clark Gardens www.clarkgardens.org
**Photography by Wy Roberge. Used with permission.
NOTICE: This field trip is now Wait List only. You know the proverbial “early bird”.
Welcome to an exciting opportunity for macro photography!
Not only will we be able to photograph parts of Irwin’s cactus and succulent collection, but Irwin will be talking with us about focus stacking.
All images © Irwin Lightstone. Used with permission.
There is no cost to this event other than being a paid member of the Heard Nature Photographers.
Lunch plans will be announced at a later date for those who choose to participate (pending Covid conditions).
Irwin is a long-time member of the Heard Nature Photographers who is well known for his focus-stacking expertise. He describes himself as “a serious photographer of cacti and succulents and has a large collection of photographs, primarily macro.” He is President of the North Texas Cactus & Succulent Society.
A selection of articles by Irwin Lightstone:
A Baker's Dozen: 12 Hints for Better Digital Photography
Succulent Abstracts and Absurdities
Taming Reflections and Glare with a Polarizing Filter
4 Hand-Held Digital Closeups Looking Sharp
Succulent Closeups in Focus
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Tripod/monopod, Macro lens if you have one.
Bottled water or cold drink.
Please bring a folding lawn chair and if you have one, a “TV Tray” – and yes, some of us remember what these are!
If you have a card table that you are willing to bring, please let Jackie know. These will make it easier for photographers to work one-per-side rather than being side-by-side.
Please go to our website to sign up for this field trip! Final details will be sent to registrants a few days before the event.
Learn new skills – freshen old ones! Participants bring their photographic equipment to explore multiple workstations. Open to members only.