Adult Fees

  • Adult - $10 for each image

Youth Fees

  • Youth Junior/Youth Senior - $5 for each image

Paying For Your Submission

We use a manual process to download images and to bill for the entry fee. Here's what happens:

  • Once we download your images, you will receive an email confirmation that they have been accepted (i.e. downloaded into the submission software).

  • Once the download happens, a list is generated from which invoices are manually prepared and sent to the email address under which the submission was made.

  • From the date of the invoice, participants have 48 hours in which to make their payment.

  • Each invoice has a separate invoice number. Please pay only from the embedded link in the invoice. This will automatically reflect that your invoice has been paid once the transaction is complete.

  • Payment must be made before the images will be included in the judging.

  • We are set up to accept international payments.

  • Cash and checks will not be accepted.

  • If you are having difficulty with the payment process, please contact Lee Hatfield for help at 972-741-9188 (Call or text).

Please note: Invoices for images submitted within two days of the deadline will need to be paid upon receipt.