Wildflower photography! Native prairie! Birds! Bugs!
From Texas Highways: “Researchers say 99 percent of the Blackland Prairie habitat that once covered 15 million acres has been lost. What remains exists in mostly small chunks. Clymer Meadow Preserve contains one of the largest contiguous remaining pieces.
Even more remarkably, no plow blade has ever cut through the soil on some sections of the property. Its gently rolling land, pockmarked by micro-topography—wetlands just a few meters wide perched atop hillsides—acts as a laboratory for researchers studying everything from monarch butterflies to water quality.”
©Dennis Fritchie
Meet for a late lunch/early dinner at 3:30 pm in Blue Ridge, TX. (The exact location is TBD, depending on how many people register.
Our approved entry time at the preserve is 5:00 pm. (Sunset is 8:20 pm.)
Dress to protect yourself from scratchy weeds and chiggers, chiggers and chiggers (DEET has been suggested if you are comfortable using it. Heavy doses suggested!) Snakes possible. Tall boots are recommended.
Tripod and lens selections appropriate for flower, bird, and bug photography.
Water, hat, sunscreen (very little shade available).
The terrain is not level and is very uneven, with trip hazards. On-site, each participant must sign the Nature Conservancy’s Liability Release and acknowledge their photography policy (no selling of images, etc.)
Joint Heard & Plano Photography Clubs Field Trip
If you are a member of both the Heard Nature Photography Club and the Plano Photography Club, please only sign up with one of the clubs (not both).
Trip Leaders
Heard Trip Leader: Jackie Ranney
Plano Trip Leader: Mary Ruhle