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Dallas Arboretum Photo Walk

Irwin Lightstone has invited members of the Heard Nature Photographers to come to the Dallas Arboretum on March 21, 2025, at 7:00 a.m. We will be joining the Plano Photography Club members who will also be there. Irwin has once again used his connections to get us access to the Dallas Arboretum early in the morning to photograph tulips and all the other beautiful plants on display. THANK YOU, IRWIN!!

During this time window, any member of the Plano Photography Club and/or the Heard Nature Photographers attending with our group may walk and photograph the grounds of the Arboretum. Tripods will be allowed until 9:00 a.m.


  1. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED for this event.

  2. There is no limit on the number of PPC or HNPC members who can attend.

  3. Attendees must park in the lot accessible at the Gate 1 entrance (located at the intersection of Garland Road and Whittier).

  4. Attendees MUST be physically present at the Main Entrance of the Arboretum by 7:00 AM; please plan to arrive a few minutes early so that members can enter as a group

  5. Attendees will be admitted onto the grounds as a group; any individual who arrives at the Main Entrance after the group enters the Arboretum may be denied admission.

  6. Attendees will be allowed to use their tripods until 9:00 AM (when the Arboretum opens to the public); no tripods may be used after that time.

  7. Attendees may remain at the Arboretum after 9:00 AM and continue taking photographs for as long as they wish, subject to item (6) above.

  8. There are no official lunch or brunch plans, but some people will almost certainly get together after the shoot; this will be decided on-site.

  9. Typically, when Irwin takes groups like this, there is no entry charge.  However, Irwin advises that we should be prepared to pay an entrance fee should it be required. (In the past, for Irwin’s early morning groups, the ticketing kiosk has not been staffed.)

As a condition of providing access under these terms to the Plano Photography Club /Heard Nature Photographers Club, the Dallas Arboretum is requesting copies of five (5) photographs captured by each attendee.

Plano: Details will be communicated when we collect images for display on the club website.

Heard:  Details will be communicated with a Call for Images after the event.

Earlier Event: March 15
Butterflies in the Garden
Later Event: April 22
Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge